Saulette has worked for Louisville Metro Government for 24 years at Louisville Metro Department of Corrections. She works as a caseworker. She has been an active union member for 24 years, a union steward for over 8 years, on the Executive Board for 8 years, and has currently been serving as the President for 8 years. Her goal as the President is to continue fighting for members' workplace rights, civil rights, and liberties!
Service Officer Assignment:
Regina is a Compliance Officer with Air Pollution Control District. Her expertise is within the Asbestos Program where she has been conducting asbestos inspection for twenty five years. She writes and review all asbestos permits. Regina has been an active AFSCME member for twenty six years. She started as a union steward six months before Air Pollution Control underwent re-organization and she helped fight for the members to maintain their jobs. She believes that when working people join together, powerful things happen. Regina is married with two children. She enjoys interior design as well as taking old homes apart and putting them back together. She is the Church Clerk at Seven Angels Church of Truth, they call her The General for getting things done. Regina stated that we all have to remember that a group is only as powerful as its members. Previously she served as Vice President for the Executive Board and she is now enjoying her new position as Master Contract Representative and serving AFSCME the working people.
Youth Detention
Ms. Lisa Trusty has been a union member for 21 years. She has served as steward twice, was Secretary on the Executive Board in the zoo union before they joined AFSCME 2629, and now serves as Member-At-Large for AFSCME 2629 Executive Baord. Lisa has worked at the Zoo for 22 years as a zookeeper for 21 of that and now is a zoo registrar.